
To carryout academic and nonacademic activities in the university department of Sports Sciences & Physical Education has been established. The program in Physical Education & Sports Sciences is an essential need of the state of Azad Jammu and Kashmir in the current socio-political scenario. The crumbling social and moral fabric of the country is directly in need of the culture of peace and harmony. The aggression and violence riddled society may find some relief in sports and physical activity. The program will indirectly contribute to the promotion of tolerance and mutual co-existence in the society.
The department provides students with knowledge, skills and behaviors to enable them to achieve a degree of mental, social and emotional health. This domain focuses on the importance of a healthy lifestyle and physical activity in the lives of individuals and groups in our society. This domain is unique in having the potential to impact on the physical, social, emotional and mental health of the students. It promotes the potential for lifelong participation in physical activity through the development of motor skills and movement competence, health-related physical fitness and sport education. Engaging in physical activity, games, sport and outdoor recreation contributes to a sense of community and social connectedness. These are vital components of improved wellbeing.

Faculty of Health & Physical Education

Aurangzeb Khan ( Director Sports )
Sports Management

Enrolled students

  • BS Health & Physical Education: 26
  • MSc Health & Physical Education:53
  • MPhil Health & Physical Education: 21


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Contact No.

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