
The Department of Zoology, a discipline of basic sciences, meets the need of training persons in a vast basic and interdisciplinary framework concerning Animal Sciences. A Zoology graduate B.Sc. (Hons.) 4 years has a diverse experience and competence to serve or learn further in education, health, agriculture, and industry and environment sectors. Almost all disciplines of Zoological Sciences are represented and hence distinguish the Department of Zoology of this University from other universities in Pakistan. Syllabi are updated and audio visual aids are used to improve teaching. The main degree programs in the department include M.Sc., BS (4 years program), and M.Phil (2 years evening program),

Faculty of Zoology

Muhammad Shehbaz Chattha ( Assistant Professor )
wildlife and ecology

Abu ul Hassan Faiz ( Assistant Professor (Coordinator) )
Small Carnivore conservationist (Member IUCN COMMISSION ), Evolutionary Zoologist ( Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE) USA, Mammalian Ecologist (Member British Ecological Society)UK,

Rabia Shafique ( Lecturer )

Nadia Saeed ( Lecturer )
Reproductive biology, Wild Life

Dr. Sadia Nazer ( lecturer )
Microbiology and Biotechnology

Dr. Tafail Akbar Mughal ( Lecturer )
Medical Toxicology, Nano-Medicine, Bio-Chemistry

Enrolled students

  • BS Zoology: 56
  • MSc Zoology:79
  • MPhil Zoology: 25



Course code Course Title Credits
7221 Core Course–II (Applied Biostatistics) 3
7222 Course (Univ. Option) 3
7223 Course (Univ. Option) 3
7224 Course (Univ. Option) 3
  Total 12

Semester-III &IV
Course code Course Title Credits
7225 Research and thesis 6
7226 Seminar** 2
  TOTAL CREDITS 30*(30-36)  

(Courses may be added as per specialization)
MS Compulsory Courses
1. Advanced Analytical Techniques*
2. Applied Biostatistics
3. Seminar
MS Specialized Courses
1. Advances in Immunology
2. Advances in Aquaculture
3. Advances in Cell Biology
4. Advances in Ecology
5. Advances in Helminthology and Protozoology
6. Advances in Protozoalogy
7. Advances in Helminthology
8. Advanced Cell and Molecular Biology*
9. Advances In Wildlife*
10. Applied Genetics*
11. Applied Microbiology*
12. Applied Reproductive Physiology
13. Aqua Culture Biotechnology
14. Aquaculture
15. Aquaculture and Fisheries*
16. Aquaculture Biotechnology
17. Aquaculture System Management
18. Bacterial Genetics*
19. Biology of Birds and Mammals In Pakistan*
20. Biological Toxicology*
21. Cellular and Molecular Physiology
22. Classification of Insects and Pest Management
23. Clinical Bacteriology
24. Clinical Endocrinology
25. Clinical Immunology
26. Clinical Teratology*
27. Conservation Biology of Wildlife*
28. Diagnostic Parasitology
29. Environmental Toxicology
30. Epidemiology of Animal Parasite
31. Fish and Aquatic Toxicology
32. Fish Nutrition and Health
33. Fish Requirements*
34. Fishing Gear Technology
35. Freshwater Biology
36. General Pharmacogonosy
37. General Toxicology
38. Herpetology
39. Human Genetics*
40. Industrial Biotechnology
41. Lab and Biosafety*
42. Medical Biotechnology*
43. Medical and Veterinary Parasitology
44. Medical Microbiology*
45. Medical Parasitology*
46. Medical Virology
47. Mendelian Genetics
48. Molecular Endocrinology
49. Molecular Entomology*
50. Molecular Evolution
51. Molecular Parasitology
52. Molecular Physiology*
53. Pharmaceutical Microbiology
54. Principles of Wildlife Management*
55. Recombinant DNA Technology
56. Reproductive Physiology
57. Research Methodology
58. Research Methods in Entomology*
59. Stem Cell Technology
60. Toxicology
61. Wildlife Conservation and Management
62. Wildlife Management
63. Wildlife of Pakistan
64. Wildlife Techniques and Data Analysis

Course Code Course Title Course Code Course Title
First Year

Semester – I

Semester – II

ENG-3101 English-I (Functional English) 3 ENG-3201 English-II: Communication skills 3
PAK-3101 Pakistan Studies 2 ISL-3201 Islamic Studies / Ethics 2
MAT-3101 Mathematics-I 3 STA-3201 Biostatistics/Univ option 3
BOT-3101 Botany-I/ Etc. 3 BOT-3201 Botany-II/ Etc. 3
CHM-3101 Chemistry-I/ Etc. 3 CHM-3201 Chemistry-II/ Etc. 3
ZOO-3101 Principles of Animal Life-I 4 ZOO-3202 Principles of Animal Life-II 4
Total 18 Total 18

 Second Year

Semester – III

Semester –IV

ENG-4101 English-III: Technical writing and presentation skills 3 ENG-4201 English-IV / Univ. Option 3
COM-4101 Introduction to Computer 3 BOT-4201 Botany-IV/ Etc. 3
BOT-4101 Botany-III/ Etc. 3 ZOO-4404 Animal Diversity: Chordates 4
CHM-4102 Chemistry-III/ Etc. 3 ZOO-4405 Animal Form & Function-I 4
ZOO-4303 Animal Diversity: Invertebrates 4 ZOO-4406 Animal Form & Function-II 4
Total 16 Total 18

 Third Year

Semester –V Semester – VI
ZOO-E105 Economic Zoology 2 ZOO-5611 Biological Techniques 3
 ZOO-5507 General Biochemistry 4 ZOO-5612 Evolution & Principles of
ZOO-5508 Cell & Molecular Biology 4 ZOO-5613 Developmental Biology 4
ZOO-5509 Physiology 4 ZOO-5614 Genetics 4
ZOO-5510 Animal Behavior 3 ZOO-5615 Wildlife 2
Total 17 Total 16

 Final Year

Semester –VII Semester – VIII
ZOO-6716 Environmental Biology 4 ZOO-6819 Bioinformatics 3
ZOO-6717 Zoogeography &Paleontology   3 ZOO-6820 Thesis/Research
  Special Paper (Univ. Option) 4   Univ. Option 3
ZOO-6718 Synopsis & Research
2   Univ. Option 3
  Univ. Option 3   Univ. Option 3
Total 16 Total 15
Course Code Course Title Course Code Course Title
ZOO-E101 Agricultural Biotechnology ZOO-E141 General Microbiology
ZOO-E102 Mechanisms of Development ZOO-E142 Helminthology and Host-Parasite Relationship
ZOO-E103 Animal Adaptations ZOO-E143 Hematology
ZOO-E104 Animal Behavior ZOO-E144 Herpetology
ZOO-E105 Animal Communication ZOO-E145 Histology
ZOO-E106 Animal Pests and Disease Producing Organisms ZOO-E146 Ichthyology
ZOO-E107 Aquaculture ZOO-E147 Immunology
ZOO-E108 Arachnology ZOO-E148 Insect Bioaccoustics
ZOO-E109 Fundamentals of Human Genetics* ZOO-E149 Insect Biochemistry and Physiology
ZOO-E110 Behavioral Ecology ZOO-E150 Insect Pathology
ZOO-E111 Biochemistry of Drug Action ZOO-E151 Insects of Veterinary and Medical Importance
ZOO-E112 Biodiversity and Wildlife* ZOO-E152 Invertebrate Paleontology
ZOO-E113 Biodiversity of Inland and Terrestrial Molluscs ZOO-E153 Limnology
ZOO-E114 Biology and Control of Vertebrate Pests ZOO-E154 Mammalogy
ZOO-E115 Biomedical Technology ZOO-E155 Microbiology and Biotechnology
ZOO-E116 Biotechnology ZOO-E156 Microbiology of Extreme Environment
ZOO-E117 Biotechnology in Aquaculture ZOO-E157 Molecular Biology
ZOO-E118 Cancer Biology ZOO-E158 Molecular Genetics
ZOO-E119 Clinical Biochemistry ZOO-E159 Neurobiology
ZOO-E120 Comparative Developmental Biology ZOO-E160 Ornithology
ZOO-E121 Conservation Biology ZOO-E161 Parasitology
ZOO-E122 Ecological Genetics ZOO-E162 Pharmacological and Pathological Endocrinology
ZOO-E123 Economic Zoology ZOO-E163 Physiology of Coordination
ZOO-E124 Elements of Stratigraphy and Structural Geology ZOO-E164 Physiological Systems and Adaptations
ZOO-E125 Endocrinology ZOO-E165 Physiology of Functional Systems
ZOO-E126 Entomology (Classification of Insects and Pest Management) ZOO-E166 Population Biology
ZOO-E127 Entomology (Morphology, Physiology and Ecology) ZOO-E167 Principles and Kinetics of Toxicology
ZOO-E128 Environmental Issues ZOO-E168 Fundamentals of Fish Biology
ZOO-E129 Environmental Physiology ZOO-E169 Principles of Parasitology
ZOO-E130 Environmental Pollution ZOO-E170 Quantitative Zoology
ZOO-E131 Environmental Toxicology ZOO-E171 Radiation Biology
ZOO-E132 Fish Bioenergetics ZOO-E172 Reproductive Biology
ZOO-E133 Fish Culture ZOO-E173 Restoration Ecology and Sustainable Development
ZOO-E134 Fish Ecology ZOO-E174 Teratology
ZOO-E135 Fish Endocrinology ZOO-E175 Techniques in Fisheries Research
ZOO-E136 Fish Health Management ZOO-E176 Vector Biology
ZOO-E137 Fish Feeding Management ZOO-E177 Vertebrate Paleontology
ZOO-E138 Fish Physiology and Breeding ZOO-E178 Veterinary and Wildlife Parasitology
ZOO-E139 Fundamentals of Microbiology ZOO-E179 Wild life Parasitology
ZOO-E140 General and Comparative Endocrinology ZOO-E180 Zoological Techniques
First Year

Semester – I

Semester – II

ENG-3101 English-I (Functional English) 3 ENG-3201 English-II: Communication skills 3
PAK-3101 Pakistan Studies 2 ISL-3201 Islamic Studies / Ethics 2
MAT-3101 Mathematics-I 3 STA-3201 Biostatistics/Univ option 3
BOT-3101 Botany-I/ Etc. 3 BOT-3201 Botany-II/ Etc. 3
CHM-3101 Chemistry-I/ Etc. 3 CHM-3201 Chemistry-II/ Etc. 3
ZOO-3101 Principles of Animal Life-I 4 ZOO-3202 Principles of Animal Life-II 4
Total 18 Total 18

 Second Year

Semester – III

Semester –IV

ENG-4101 English-III: Technical writing and presentation skills 3 ENG-4201 English-IV / Univ. Option 3
COM-4101 Introduction to Computer 3 BOT-4201 Botany-IV/ Etc. 3
BOT-4101 Botany-III/ Etc. 3 ZOO-4404 Animal Diversity: Chordates 4
CHM-4102 Chemistry-III/ Etc. 3 ZOO-4405 Animal Form & Function-I 4
ZOO-4303 Animal Diversity: Invertebrates 4 ZOO-4406 Animal Form & Function-II 4
Total 16 Total 18

 Third Year

Semester –V Semester – VI
ZOO-E105 Economic Zoology 2 ZOO-5611 Biological Techniques 3
 ZOO-5507 General Biochemistry 4 ZOO-5612 Evolution & Principles of
ZOO-5508 Cell & Molecular Biology 4 ZOO-5613 Developmental Biology 4
ZOO-5509 Physiology 4 ZOO-5614 Genetics 4
ZOO-5510 Animal Behavior 3 ZOO-5615 Wildlife 2
Total 17 Total 16

 Final Year

Semester –VII Semester – VIII
ZOO-6716 Environmental Biology 4 ZOO-6819 Bioinformatics 3
ZOO-6717 Zoogeography &Paleontology   3 ZOO-6820 Thesis/Research
  Special Paper (Univ. Option) 4   Univ. Option 3
ZOO-6718 Synopsis & Research
2   Univ. Option 3
  Univ. Option 3   Univ. Option 3
Total 16 Total 15
Course Code Course Title Course Code Course Title
ZOO-E101 Agricultural Biotechnology ZOO-E141 General Microbiology
ZOO-E102 Mechanisms of Development ZOO-E142 Helminthology and Host-Parasite Relationship
ZOO-E103 Animal Adaptations ZOO-E143 Hematology
ZOO-E104 Animal Behavior ZOO-E144 Herpetology
ZOO-E105 Animal Communication ZOO-E145 Histology
ZOO-E106 Animal Pests and Disease Producing Organisms ZOO-E146 Ichthyology
ZOO-E107 Aquaculture ZOO-E147 Immunology
ZOO-E108 Arachnology ZOO-E148 Insect Bioaccoustics
ZOO-E109 Fundamentals of Human Genetics* ZOO-E149 Insect Biochemistry and Physiology
ZOO-E110 Behavioral Ecology ZOO-E150 Insect Pathology
ZOO-E111 Biochemistry of Drug Action ZOO-E151 Insects of Veterinary and Medical Importance
ZOO-E112 Biodiversity and Wildlife* ZOO-E152 Invertebrate Paleontology
ZOO-E113 Biodiversity of Inland and Terrestrial Molluscs ZOO-E153 Limnology
ZOO-E114 Biology and Control of Vertebrate Pests ZOO-E154 Mammalogy
ZOO-E115 Biomedical Technology ZOO-E155 Microbiology and Biotechnology
ZOO-E116 Biotechnology ZOO-E156 Microbiology of Extreme Environment
ZOO-E117 Biotechnology in Aquaculture ZOO-E157 Molecular Biology
ZOO-E118 Cancer Biology ZOO-E158 Molecular Genetics
ZOO-E119 Clinical Biochemistry ZOO-E159 Neurobiology
ZOO-E120 Comparative Developmental Biology ZOO-E160 Ornithology
ZOO-E121 Conservation Biology ZOO-E161 Parasitology
ZOO-E122 Ecological Genetics ZOO-E162 Pharmacological and Pathological Endocrinology
ZOO-E123 Economic Zoology ZOO-E163 Physiology of Coordination
ZOO-E124 Elements of Stratigraphy and Structural Geology ZOO-E164 Physiological Systems and Adaptations
ZOO-E125 Endocrinology ZOO-E165 Physiology of Functional Systems
ZOO-E126 Entomology (Classification of Insects and Pest Management) ZOO-E166 Population Biology
ZOO-E127 Entomology (Morphology, Physiology and Ecology) ZOO-E167 Principles and Kinetics of Toxicology
ZOO-E128 Environmental Issues ZOO-E168 Fundamentals of Fish Biology
ZOO-E129 Environmental Physiology ZOO-E169 Principles of Parasitology
ZOO-E130 Environmental Pollution ZOO-E170 Quantitative Zoology
ZOO-E131 Environmental Toxicology ZOO-E171 Radiation Biology
ZOO-E132 Fish Bioenergetics ZOO-E172 Reproductive Biology
ZOO-E133 Fish Culture ZOO-E173 Restoration Ecology and Sustainable Development
ZOO-E134 Fish Ecology ZOO-E174 Teratology
ZOO-E135 Fish Endocrinology ZOO-E175 Techniques in Fisheries Research
ZOO-E136 Fish Health Management ZOO-E176 Vector Biology
ZOO-E137 Fish Feeding Management ZOO-E177 Vertebrate Paleontology
ZOO-E138 Fish Physiology and Breeding ZOO-E178 Veterinary and Wildlife Parasitology
ZOO-E139 Fundamentals of Microbiology ZOO-E179 Wild life Parasitology
ZOO-E140 General and Comparative Endocrinology ZOO-E180 Zoological Techniques


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Contact No.

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