
Dr. Arshad Mehmood ( Coordinator )

Department of English


National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan

1- Representation of Power Struggle betweenSupreme Court and Government on Panama Leaks Case in the Headline Discourse ofPakistani English Newspapers Published in Pakistan Languages and HumanitiesReview (Vol. 7-1). 2023.

P-ISSN2708-6453 . O-ISSN 2708-6461.  http://doi.org/10.47205/plhr.2023(7-I)20

2- Abrogation Of Act 370And 35a: Diverse Realities Represented In Pakistani, Indian And InternationalMedia Discourse. Published in Pakistan Journal of Social Research. ISSN2710-3129 (P) 2710-3137 (O) Vol. 4, No. 2, April-June 2022, pp. 1127-

3- ErrorAnalysis of Written English at Elementary Level Students in Bagh, AK. Publishedin Webology 2022.

4- Politeness Orientation and Social Hierarchies: Case Of KashmiriSpeakers, Published in Multicultural Education Vol 7 Issue 3. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.460.460316

5- Fear Creation: PsycholinguisticAnalysis of the Headlines Corpora of Pakistani Electronic Media on Covid-19Pandemic. PJAEE 18-2 (2021).

6- Covid-19 Pandemic: Evaluating Public Discourseon the Effective Administrative Measures Taken in Azad Jammu and Kashmir. PJAEE.18-8.(2021)

7- Gender Role as Relative Phenomenon in Baharti Mukharjee’s Novel DesirableDaughters, Published in Liberal Arts and Social Sciences InternationalJournal. Volume 4 No. 1. Doi: https://doi.org/10.47264/idea.lassij/4.1.25.

8- Marxism and Literature: Marxist Analysis of ‘The Garden Party’ Publishedin Liberal Arts and Social Sciences International Journal, Vol. 3, No. 2, onOctober 23, 2020, 141-149 [doi.org/10.47264/idea.lassij/3.2.16])

9- Representation of Females in Pride and Prejudice & Bride andPrejudice. Published in EREVNA Journal of Linguistics and Literature. YCategory Journal (Air University, Islamabad).

10- Impact of Socio-Economic Contact on English LanguageLearning of Grad 5th Level Students published in “InternationalReviewofSocialSciences”.ISSN:2309-0081

11- Marxism and Literature: Marxist Analysis of ‘TheGarden Party’ISSN:2664-8148(PublishedinLiberalArtsandSocial Sciences).

12- Representation of Females in Prideand Prejudice & Bride and Prejudice (Published in EREVNA)

13- A Cross-Cultural Study ofApologies in British English and Urdu (Published in Modern Journal of LanguageTeaching Methods, MJLTM, 2018, X Category).

14- Power Struggle Between Supreme Court and the Government: IdeologicalRole of Pakistani Print Media in Representation of Swiss Letter Issue. Doi: 10.5539/ijel.v9n4p163(Published inIJEL).

15- IdeologicalRepresentation of Political Voice in the Headlines of Pakistani EnglishNewspapers on

Asghar Khan Case (Published in KJLR, 2017.

16- Consensus Development on Poll Date Issue: CriticalAnalysis of Headline Discourse of Pakistani Print Media (Published in IJSBAR‘International Journal of Sciences Basic and Applied Research’ 2017.

17- Manipulative Role of Pakistani Print Media inConstruction of Political Discourse before Elections and its Impact on Publicopinion (Published in JAEBS ‘Journal of Applied Environmental and BiologicalSciences’, indexed in Thomson Reuters, 2017.

18- Discourse Analysis of Headlines on IdeologicalRepresentation of Rifts and Desertions in Political parties of Pakistan(Published in KJLR, 2015).

19- Gender Biased Social Construction in Rural Discourseand Male Dominance: A Case of Phagwari, District Kotli AJK ‘Determining theRole of Teachers to Overcome the Problem’ (Published in Research Journal ofEducation AWKUM, 2018)

1-    A Project of UnitedStates Education Foundation Pakistan


2-    Held by HEC,Pakistan & Coventry University, United Kingdomat Mariette Hotel, Islamabad


3-    NRPU (National Research Program for Universities)

Higher Education Commission (HEC) Pakistan


Developing English Language Proficiency and PedagogicalSkills of in-Service Elementary English Teachers through Training in DistrictBagh, AJ&K

                                                            NRPU Project No. 14482 

Community Development Program for Youth at Ramadah Hotel,Islamabad, Pakistan


British Council


GenderConstruction in Pahari Language at University of Central Punjab 2023(Proposedpresentation on June 1-2, 2023.

·                                                                          at University of Mianwali, Pakistan 2022

·        ·        Utilization of Activity-Based Material toImprove Reading Comprehension of the Students at Postgraduate Women CollegeKotli(Presentedin 1st International Conference held at University of ManagementSciences and Information Technology, Kotli Azad Kashmir, 2016)
