Iqbal Day Function   2016/04/24

The university has arranged to celebrate Iqbal Day, on the topic “Bayad-e-Iqbal” (on 26th, April 2016) as a token of promoting national interests and up lauding national heroes. The function was arranged in the open meeting-hall in the heart of Bismillah Campus of the Women University. Sardar Qamar-U-Zaman Khan Minister for Health, AKMIDC and BCDP was the chief guest and Prof. Dr. Muhammad Haleem Khan Vice Chancellor Women University of AJ&K, Bagh presided the function.

Prof. Abdul Haque Murad (Advisor WUAJK) represented the staff by narrating his own poem written on Allama Muhammad Iqbal and Dr. Ghulam Ali Kumail Kazalbash (Director Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) delivering a speech on the poet of the East.

Students participated in the function through various activities like Hamd, Naat, Speeches, Poetry about Iqbal, Khaka etc.

Miss Faryal Qamar Raja Student of M.Sc Physics (1st Semester, Session 2015-17) got 1st position in speech competition and many other programs were highly appreciated by the chief guest and the audience.  The chief guest honored all the participants by awarding prizes in cash. The program ended with “Dua-e- Khair.”
