Seminar on Climate Change   2020/01/17

The global climate Change is an emerging scenario with ample implications for global society. The ever-growing industrialization and urbanization brought forward the gigantic dividends, in the meantime it posed grave threats to survival of human society. Pakistan has faced catastrophic floods, droughts, and cyclones in recent years that have killed and displaced thousands, destroyed livelihoods, and damaged infrastructure. Climate change raises the prospect that these and other natural hazards will increase in frequency and severity in the coming decades—a stark reminder that Pakistan is one of the country’s most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. German watch places Pakistan as the “most affected” country for 2010 and in top 10 for 1990-2010 by climatic changes. Climate change is costing the economy $14 billion a year, which is almost 5% of the GDP. Therefore, to raise the awareness in youth and society, the Department of International Relations in collaboration with Islamic Relief Pakistan organized a one day seminar on “Climate Change and Its Implications for AJK & Pakistan”. A group of academia and policy experts presented their papers and discussed multiple dimensions of climate change. The organizers are of view that this event will play a major role in spreading the awareness of climate change in Pakistan and AJK.
